
Everything to know About Fortnite season 8

Fortnite Season 8 is taking the world by storm. The immensely popular battle royale format game has over 125 million players across the globe. The game is available on Windows, PS4, macOS, and Xbox One. In addition, it can also be played on a Nintendo Switch, Android or iOS device. Basically, all you need to play it is your phone and a decent internet connection. It doesn’t matter if it’s Spectrum Waco or even your Sprint carrier. As long as you have sufficient upload speed, you can play. The latest news concerning Fortnite is Season 8, and this blog will tell you everything there is to know.

All you Need to know about Fortnite Season 8

Fortnite Season 8 comes after a series of surprising updates in 2018. The season is finally here and shows us what all those earthquakes on the map were. A lot is happening in this season. The Prisoner has broken out of the Ice King’s prison. Fortnite is erupting as The Prisoner wreaks havoc. There are volcanos, fissures, and of course, loot. Here are the things you need to know the most about Fortnite Season 8:

  1. When does it start?
  2. What is the theme this season?
  3. Any changes to the map?
  4. Is the battle pass free?
  5. What new skins are available?
  6. Any new items and vehicles?
  7. Are there any dragons?

The lowdown on all these questions follows below. Read on for details on Fortnite Season 8.

When does it start?

Have you been living under a rock? It has already started. The Season 8 patch released on February 28th, 2019. The fun has already begun. So if you haven’t downloaded it yet, you had better get to it. The Season 8 update is currently live on all platforms, so hurry up.

What is the theme this season?

It’s all rum drinking and hearty mateys this season. Fortnite Season 8 is heavily pirate themed. But it’s not just pirates stealing the show. There are also some stealthy ninjas. The Ice King, ninjas, and pirates are all searching for legendary treasure. If you think you know the best places on the map think again. There are several additions to the map, including a volcano and a pirate cove. This brings us to the next question.

Any changes to the map?

The short answer is several. There is now a volcano in the northwest section of the map. The volcano has changed a lot about the area. There are also several volcanic fissures in the ground, which can launch you across the map. There are no planes this season, so this is the closest you can come to flying. There are 2 new locations, Lazy Lagoon and Sunny Steps as well as several other new areas across the map. Secrets await the adventurers who venture there.

Is the battle pass free?

The battle pass for Fortnite Season 8 is free for some people. It’s free for you too, if you have completed 13 free Overtime challenges before the release. You get some cool outfits and save precious V-bucks into the bargain. Don’t worry if you haven’t completed that many challenges though. You can still buy the battle pass for the usual 950 V-bucks or $10.

What new skins are available?

Obviously, there are loads of ninja and pirate-themed skins this season. But there are a number of other skins as well. Two stand out the most from the dazzling options available this season. The first is a lizard ninja named Hybrid. The other is a zombie pirate named Blackheart. As you level up, you can unlock more styles for both skins. In total, there are more than a hundred items you can unlock in this battle pass.

Any new items and vehicles?

Well, there’s a cannon. That’s how pirates travel on land, don’t you know? They are perfectly safe to use. They’re all over the map, and you can use them to shoot at enemies. But they also serve as useful transport aids. Simply launch yourself into the air across the map with a cannon. The fissures and cannons make up for no planes this season. Other items have also been vaulted. Shopping carts and chiller grenades are gone. So are snowmen.

Are there any dragons?

So far, no. But there are some very tantalizing signs. The game teases ninja lizards, massive eggs and serpents. And of course, there’s a new baddie who loves to play with fire. So dragons might not be too far off. Let’s see where Epic takes this season of Fortnite.

There is just so much you can loot, win and unlock this season. Just make sure your internet connection is working properly before you start playing. So if your connection has been on the fritz, now would be a good time to dial Spectrum customer service number. If you haven’t already started, we suggest you get on board the Season 8 train right away. There is only a limited amount of time before this season ends and Season 9 begins. You don’t want to miss out.

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Everything to know About Fortnite season 8 | TheLatestTechNews