
Silly Mistakes People Make While Hiring A Remote developer

If you’re looking to hire a remote developer for your next website design project, you’re in the right place. But, first of all, who is this written for?

This article is for anyone who is a marketing manager. That could be anything from, the CMO of the company to a marketing intern who has been tasked with finding a new website for a small or medium-sized business.

This is also for anyone who is a business owner, so if you own the business and you’re thinking about redesigning your website, this article is definitely for you. You will not repeat mistakes when hiring a remote developer.

Also, anyone who is a website administrator, so could be anyone who is in charge of editing or updating the website regularly, this post is for you as well.

This is an article that most other website developers probably don’t want you to read. The reason is that most other website designers like to think of themselves as all-powerful wizards with magical powers. And they use complex technical jargon and terminology to intimidate and mystify their clients into thinking that what they do is more complex than it is.

This post will help to de-mystify the process of hiring a local website builder and walk you through what you should be looking for when thinking about hiring a website designer. So, without further ado here are the six dumbest mistakes.

Remote Developer Mistake #1. Paying Too Little

Many people think about building a new website, they have money and they think, If I pay less money for a website or a developer, I’ll have extra money left over, therefore I win. And so they’ll go for a simple website builder service provider, and they’ll think because they’ve saved some money they’re ahead of the deal.

Remote Developer Mistake #2. Paying Too Much

This is the opposite of mistake #1. Let me start by revealing a dirty little secret when it comes to hiring developers. Most people think, Oh, I’m going to hire a professional website firm because I want a “real website” As opposed to a Word Press website or something else. And what most people don’t realize is that all websites are made from the same stuff.

Hiring a great development team is harder than coming up with a unique and compelling app idea. It’s a big challenge faced by many CTOs and entrepreneurs while considering certain important factors including cost, expertise, experience, location, and so on.

On the front end it’s all just CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, and I mean, all websites.

Remote Developer Near Me

So, when you work with high-end local web designers, it’s not as though you’re paying for something different. You’re just paying for a higher-quality version of the same thing. Someone who knows how to code better, someone who understands design better, and hopefully marketing better, and really, that’s what you’re paying for.

A lot of people think they should work with a large agency for their website because they’re going to do a better job. So you’ll go to their office and it’s a beautiful office that looks to be quite expensive in a nice part of town and they have ping pong tables and people are playing and having fun.

And if you’re wondering, “Wow, I wonder how they can afford to have all this nice office space,” well, the price of your website is going towards those things. Right? And, the way it typically works is you will get contacted by a slick salesperson who will sell you on the idea of working with their firm and he seems very polished.

But then, typically what happens is you end up working with a junior-level employee who is quite new, and that’s your day-to-day contact, the point person that you’ll be dealing with throughout the project.

So, basically, at the end of the day, just trust your judgment and don’t be clouded by the aura of someone who claims to be an expert, because generally speaking, it’s not as powerful as you might think.

Mistake #3. Hiring a ‘Developer’ to Build Your Website

So, what do I mean by that? That sounds weird. So, when I say designer, I mean someone who’s strictly an artist, and there are a lot of those out there. A lot of ‘Developers’ are only concerned about the aesthetics of the site. What it looks like, if it’s unique, or if it follows the latest developer trends. But at the end of the day, they don’t really ‘get it when it comes to what the primary purpose of a website is.

Remote Developer Mistake #4. Not Getting a CMS

So, what is a CMS? A CMS stands for Content Management System, and it’s essentially a piece of software to manage and update your website. WordPress and Square Space are both an S, and there are a million different CMSs out there. The one thing to note is not all CMSs are the same, even within Word Press.

There’s a concept within a business called a phantom deliverable, and a phantom deliverable is something that you as the business give to your customers that they’re not expecting or they don’t know that they should be expecting it.

One of the phantom deliverables that we give to our clients is the backend of the site. Most people, when they’re buying the website only think about the front end they think about its appearance, and they don’t reink about the ease of use or the number of hours or frustration it would take to edit and update the site.

Sometimes you’ll get a site like this on the backend that’s very hard to edit and update. You essentially have to know how to code to be able to do so.

Versus, this is a site from our backend where the image, the title, the description, and every little thing is easy to edit and update, just like updating your Facebook profile.

I would advise you to check under the hood of the company you’re looking at.

By that, I mean as to if you can look through the backend of one of their sites to see how easy it is for you to edit and update because that should doctor into your decision.

Local Remote Developer Mistake #5.  Not Doing Your Due Diligence

Some basic simple things could be to check out to see if they have any reviews. So look them up on Yelp, Google Reviews, and LinkedIn. See if people are saying nice things about them, or if anyone is saying anything particularly bad.

The most important thing is ‘do you like their work?’ We talked about this before, but at the end of the day, that’s what you’re getting. You’re getting the results and so make sure you’re happy with their work.

As well as, look at their work on mobile. A lot of people don’t take the time to think about what their site is going to look like on mobile and it’s straightforward. Just look at their portfolio sites on your mobile phone.

Another thing is most developers only list the best sites on their portfolio, but if you want to see, all of their portfolio here’s a little hack that you can do.

At the bottom of every website that a website design firm makes, they typically have a signature. Ours says “San Francisco Web Design by Thomas Digital”, but it could say “Website by XYZ Media” or whatever.

Remote Developer Mistake #6. They Don’t Practice What They Preach

Just as you wouldn’t trust an overweight personal trainer or a skinny chef, you should probably never trust a designer with an ugly-looking website or an SEO specialist who doesn’t rank well on Google, or an “internet marketer” who uses direct outreach to generate leads. And by that I mean, if someone is selling you the idea of getting traffic through Google or Pay Per Click or Social Media, but they’re using cold outreach, like, they’re direct emailing you or they’re using word of mouth to get in contact with you, they’re not practicing what they preach.

Why should you be hiring remote dedicated developers?

70% of organizations hire dedicated resources for cost savings, but some other tangible benefits also come into the picture which we will discuss in this section.

Cost efficiency

When hiring remote developers, is a profitable arrangement because of the low labor costs involved. Having an ongoing relationship with the coders is also possible when you hire a freelancer developer. Hire developers online, and your HR expenses will also be overcome.

Skilled Specialists

When you hire dedicated developers, they’re going to be a highly skilled set of experts. They’d manage the work for your software projects and free time for your organization to focus on your core competencies.

Lower Risks

Hire coders online, and you can rest assured regarding their coding capabilities. They will be able to highlight matters that are nearly impossible to catch your eye, such as the best-suited tech stacks for your development requirements. This is a constructive approach that enhances the odds of error-free development. All team members will have clarity regarding their goals.

Saves Time

Hire dedicated programmers online and your projects will be finished quicker. Further, dealing with defunct paperwork and documentation will not be required. All you’d be required to do is to share your requirements with them. They’ll manage the rest.

Top-Quality Results

When you hire developers for startups, the management that will need to be conducted from your end will only be surface-level. Instead, the developers will be deft and efficiently work on your projects.

Digital Transformation

If you hire freelance developers, the biggest positive you get is that you get to stay on top of the latest trends in software development.

It is difficult for all businesses to be tech-savvy. The advantage that comes into the picture when you hire coders online is that you get access to the entire set of the latest digital tools and assets. So, developers for hire will bring about business growth. Staying on the same page as the market demands hence simplifies.

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Silly Mistakes People Make While Hiring A Remote developer | TheLatestTechNews