
AMD VS NVIDIA? Which is the Best? (GPU)

Gaming is just playing around the field or raging war but in reality, who gives the best graphic unit to a system for better gameplay is also just like war.

Renowned manufacturers tend to have the market to them based on tech especially when it came to game graphic processor units and among these AMD and NVidia is the best beast of all. Advanced Microdevices and NVidia just can’t beat each other when it came to the best GPU each one tries to capture the gaming console world to themselves by giving the best to gamers.

In this article we will highlight certain factors that help you discover which one is the best fighter when it came to GPU, is it AMD or NVidia? The insight will not only help you to make a difference but will also help to make a decision on which GPU you want when it came to their features.


The first and most important thing that any gamer wants to know is the price of GPU and to give you that kind of information you might start saving for your GPU than your whole system.

When it came to price both have a different version of the story, AMD wants to give economical GPU to its user while Nvidia wants to give the fortune spending tech to its user. Like Nvidia GTX 2080 Ti is more expensive than thousand dollars while AMS Radeon VII is $700 almost the same graphical resolution output.

AMD always costs less than the Nvidia but the only difference in the prices is among the lower GPU. The High-end GPUs are a kind of monopoly of Nvidia. AMD has not yet launched such high-resolution tech like Nvidia.


AMD might give the user to play high-resolution games but they are not as giants as Nvidia who holds the only tech for extreme high-resolution gameplay and highest pixel resolution gaming display.

The tech Nvidia is offering to its user is the best than AMD and they always keep getting better than the last time. Not only the resolution is making the difference in tech but the whole GPU is a lot better than AMD based on their power consumption, CUDA, core memory clock and overclocking, etc.


Well, you can buy the highest resolution GPU and play games with the best performance standard then that fine but the really important question is that does the performance is according to the price you pay for?

To understand that you might make the equation equal with price and performance. Considering the high-end resolution GPU GTX 2080 Ti of Nvidia with AMD Radeon VII, the performance is almost the same except for the overclocking and going over the benchmarking but the price difference is huge.

Nvidia has always had the price issue but recently they got even with AMD when they launched GTX1660 for AMD 580 comparison with the same price but the performance of 1660 is much better than AMD 580. Both have edges over each other when comparing the performance over price and here they are even.

Really understanding the performance while holding the price card then here you have to be a little bit trickier. Select the best high-resolution games and then compare how would be the performance of the gameplay for both and get your answer.


It’s not just simply that get a GPU and play games, here you would have to be a lot handy with different software for smooth and better gameplay. Both AMD and Nvidia have software teams that are holding them back.

Nvidia Green GeForce Software has the best interface, overclocking and managing and controlling the GPU and it’s the reason behind their success. When it came to AMD, well they have Radeon Adrenalin 2019 the latest software for AMD users to hold their GPU within just a few clicks and also get nearer to Nvidia competency.

Both have done a good effort but they have certain limitations like in Nvidia you have to do overclocking manually and sometimes cause hardware damages due to heat up while AMD has automated clocking which can give you the smooth play where you needed. In short, providing the best software Nvidia is the winner but who is looking far behind is hard to decide and look in the future updates.


Nvidia and AMD both are the best gaming graphic unit provider and they both have their own philosophy of price, tech, or performance but considering the gamer’s choice what does well give new tech if they don’t have a new feature that can add up the gameplay.

With Nvidia, you get the chance to increase your graphic resolution speed and performance by managing the software overclocking, and certainly, they have the limitation to overclock. At the same time, AMD has the smartest feature of giving an extra pair of Virtual memory to speed up the game for a longer time than Nvidia.

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AMD VS NVIDIA? Which is the Best? (GPU) | TheLatestTechNews