How Much Daily Activity on the Facebook App Consumes Data Traffic on Smartphones?
Find out just how much data the Facebook app uses on your smartphone and why, as well as tips for reducing your data usage on the app.
Find out just how much data the Facebook app uses on your smartphone and why, as well as tips for reducing your data usage on the app.
Facebook is the biggest social network. In 2005, Mark founded a social media platform that changed the world. Currently, businesses are always on Facebook and the company’s owned app – Instagram. If your business is not on Facebook, then you are missing significant revenue. Facebook has more than 1.5 billion daily active users. It’s 20%
How to promote small business on Facebook Read Full Article »
As an owner, Facebook deeply impacts your online business presence. Millions of Smartphone users use it to get post updates from their favorite brands or even products. This is where your company’s leads and customer engagement come from. Many small to big businesses having Facebook Pages stated how their social media profiles help in driving
Tapping Potential Facebook Features for Online Customer Engagement Read Full Article »
Social media marketing (SMM) has become a potent tool for businesses large and small, allowing them to connect with customers and make more conversions. Consumers have become used to interacting with companies and brands through social media, so if you’re not on social media, you’re behind the curve! Speaking to your audience directly on services
Two months ago, Facebook announced to launch a digital currency Libra in 2020, and since then; everyone expressed their opinion starting from US President Trump, through businessmen and investors, and even data protection officials in the United States, the European Union, The United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada raised concerns about the privacy risks this currency
Every year there is a number of movies are launched and shared on Instagram & Facebook. Some of them do a great job at the box office in terms of business and also because the overall movie is great. The top ones are usually the superheroes or action movies because these are followed throughout the
5 Top Movies Shared On Facebook & Instagram Read Full Article »
An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: Facebook will end its unpaid market research programs and proactively take its Onavo VPN app off the Google Play store in the wake of backlash following TechCrunch’s investigation about Onavo code being used in a Facebook Research app the sucked up data about teens. The Onavo Protect
Facebook Will Shut Down Its Spyware VPN App Onavo Read Full Article »
How To Stop Friend Requests On Facebook When initially creating a social media account, you want to add as many friends as possible. But there comes a point when you’re happy with the number of friends you have. With the disclosure of your whereabouts and other personal information, you don’t want some stranger to know
Guide To Stopping Unwanted Friend Requests On Facebook Read Full Article »
Facebook can’t seem to get out of its own way when it comes to security. The biggest security issue for the social network was the Cambridge Analytica fiasco that gave the company access to information on 87 million users. In June, Facebook had another security failure when private posts of 14 million users were shared
Facebook Fails Again, Exposing Over 50 Million Users In Security Breach Read Full Article »
Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, who co-founded Instagram eight years ago, are leaving the service’s parent company, Facebook. The news of their departure comes from The New York Times, and is corroborated by a statement from Systrom. The duo have resigned from the company and will leave in the coming weeks. Explaining their plans to
Instagram’s co-founders are leaving Facebook Read Full Article »