Author Posts

  • Reasons that should give confidence to aspiring technologists in choosing IT as a career

    Reasons that should give confidence to aspiring technologists in choosing IT as a career

    A career in Information Technology commonly referred to as IT is a hot choice in today’s scenario because of the tremendous opportunities for career advancement and growth that comes along with it. Anyone intending to create a stable financial future would do good to become an IT professional because the paycheck is healthy and attractive.…

  • Learning From an Unsuccessful ERP Implementation

    Learning From an Unsuccessful ERP Implementation

    “Try. Fail. Learn. Repeat” Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications offer a lot of valuable services to an organization including fixing bugs in service delivery to cost-cutting. But there are various factors that may cause freaks in the smooth workflow after or during the implementation of an ERP application in your organization. Generally, an ERP package…

  • The Best Tech Gifts for Gadget Geeks This Christmas 2018

    The Best Tech Gifts for Gadget Geeks This Christmas 2018

    You’ll want to choose wisely if you want to surprise your gadget-lover family and friends this Christmas. It doesn’t really matter what their interests or hobbies are, a bedazzling, new gadget will help experience it better.  We rounded up 11 of the best tech gifts to help you decide which gift would be the right,…

  • Top Reasons Why You Have To Utilize a Cloud Backup Service

    Top Reasons Why You Have To Utilize a Cloud Backup Service

    In the modern digital era, data is a very important aspect if we talk about information. No one wants to lose their data as it can be useful for future use. But you don’t have any control over hard drive failure, hacking and human error so you have to take the help of cloud backup…

  • Logitech G502 Hero – The Best Gaming Mouse 1n 2018

    Logitech G502 Hero – The Best Gaming Mouse 1n 2018

    Logitech release the brand new mouse G502 Hero in 2018. This is an updated version of Logitech’s most popular Mouse and one of my personal favorite gaming mice of all time. Logitech G502 hero isn’t going to look any different from the previous two mice that being the Logitech Proteus core and the Logitech Proteus…

  • How much mobile data do you really need?

    How much mobile data do you really need?

    Nearly half of Aussies regularly exceed their phone’s data limits. That’s largely thanks to the increase in popularity of video streaming and live TV via mobile. A 2016 Roy Morgan Research revealed that almost one-third of smartphone users aged 14-24 – and almost as many aged 25-34 – often reach their mobile data limit too…