technology gadgets

Top 3 Latest Technology Gadgets In 2018 That Amaze You

Latest Technology Gadgets

Technology has always amazed us by evolving so much that literally, anything is possible today. With the advancements in technology, a lot has changed for the better and some for the worse. There have been innovations of gadgets so absurd that they have been used the world over. There also have been innovations of gadgets that have been helpful to mankind. But we are not here to talk about the boons and curses of technology in our lives. There have been 7 Technology gadgets this year so far that caught our eyes.

Here is a list of the top 7 Latest Technology Gadgets In 2018 that have amazed us:

  • Hover Cameras

This is sort of a drone. This is easy to fit in pockets as it easily gets folded. It is also very light weighted (242g) which is why it is portable. It can take pictures and videos from various angles and it is very easy to use. It can be used as a spy camera or a hidden camera to watch over the mishaps that could take place. It is a great way to safeguard yourself against any potential dangers. It can easily connect to your WiFi and phones so that you can monitor what it is recording.

  • Trickstick

Trickstick is, basically, a stick that can be used to draw on air. It produces high resolution, colorful, detailed images out of thin air. It works over Bluetooth. All you need to do is take a picture on your phone and upload it on the Trickstick app available on android phones as well as iOS and then edit the picture according to your preferences. Once that is done, upload it to your trick stick device using Bluetooth and wave your arms around, you will be able to see the image clearly.

  • WELT

WELT is the world’s first smart belt. Yes! This belt monitors your health and makes that data available to you. This normal-looking belt has a lot of unique features to keep you up to date about your health. From keep counts of how many steps you have taken to the counts of how many calories you burnt while sitting and walking around, this belt monitors your bad habits as well such as your overeating habits. You can keep track of this information on WELT’s mobile application.

Technology has left people speechless and has led to a great advancement to how we work.

Read also about Led Panel Light

Latest Technology Gadgets

About The Author

Rachel Stinson has always had a knack for writing, food, fashion, and places. Blogging has combined all four for her with an added bonus of enthusiastic audiences. She expertly analyzes real estate, restaurants, and camera stores with respect to pricing and people involved and can express her opinions in an unhesitant, engaging manner for all matters.

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