
Tech startup

10 Main Steps to Succeed in Your Legal Tech Startup

In recent years, the successes in the tech industry have influenced more people into this sector. Though the outlook may be positive, there are many challenges that a tech startup has to contend with, if you are aiming towards making it big in the industry. Starting any business can feel intimidating. Be it a personal

10 Main Steps to Succeed in Your Legal Tech Startup Read Full Article »


Apple puts its money where its mouth is for more women in tech

Apple is trying to do something positive to help end the gender gap in the technology industry with a new scheme to support women entrepreneurs building businesses around apps. Making a difference Apple’s Entrepreneur Camp will consist of an intensive technology lab, specialized support and ongoing mentoring. It’s open to firms with a working or

Apple puts its money where its mouth is for more women in tech Read Full Article »

Jaguar land rover v2x tech cars vehicles

Jaguar Land Rover’s V2X tech prevents cars stuck at lights

A demonstration by Jaguar Land Rover shows how Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2X) technology could prevent cars from getting stuck at lights. Since the world’s first traffic lights were installed outside the Houses of Parliament in London 150 years ago, very little has changed. The Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA) system could be the modernisation drivers have

Jaguar Land Rover’s V2X tech prevents cars stuck at lights Read Full Article »


Mingis on Tech: What’s coming in the Windows 10 October update?

When it comes to this year’s Windows 10 October 2018 Update – due out, naturally, next month – there are variety of feature tweaks and improvements users can look forward to. We’re talking about things like the expanded clipboard, better search previews, added screenshot functions, group policies for Microsoft’s Edge browser, the Your Phone app

Mingis on Tech: What’s coming in the Windows 10 October update? Read Full Article »

Business Managment

The best funding strategy for your Tech business

So, you’ve got this great idea that could eventually radically reshape the market while making you some good money along the way. You may be striving to give it flesh and bones but putting the pieces together is a lot harder than it looked from a further distance, isn’t it? One of the biggest challenges

The best funding strategy for your Tech business Read Full Article »

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