Tips For Your On-Page SEO That Really Work

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There is no magic in ranking your website amongst the top results in any of the search engines. As a matter of fact, it’s all logical and based on algorithmic calculations.

Having said that, it is important to understand that there are two specific methods to take your website to the top; On-page and Off-page SEO.

When it comes to SEO, often people start with Off-page optimization and neglect the On-page signals. It is important to understand that both the practices go hand in hand, following a perfect equilibrium.

Here are a few tips for your On-page SEO to help you improve your website ranking.

Pay Attention To Headers And Page Title

The topmost section of any page explains what is to come further on the page. Therefore, the headers and the title of pages on your website needs to be optimized first. Keep in mind the content that follows the title, as well as the terms that are Google friendly.

Design URLs That Are SEO Friendly

When you design your website and create pages, make sure that you create URLs that are easy to understand for search engines as well as the users. Lengthy URLs are not favored by either. When a user enters a search on Google, they click on the results which make sense to them. And URL is one of those factors which influence their decision to click and open a page.

Add Some Infographics For Your Audience

As far as technical SEO is concerned, it is pretty easy and does not require frequent optimization. Whereas, the content that you publish on your website does. The two signals which can affect your website’s SERP ranking, apart from all the technical signals, are dwell rate and bounce rate. Bear Newman of Bear Fox Marketing ( suggests including a culture video on your website, which focuses more on emotional connections and helps you stick out to potential customers whose values align with your company’s values. Adding such infographics to your content can help improve reader engagement and thus improve dwell time.

Link Your Pages Internally

We all know how important links can be for Google to establish relevance and authority for any website. But, is it just the inbound links that a website receives from other domains, or anything else as well, that matters to Google? You need to link your pages internally. The crawlers love links, both internal and external. A clean network of links, simply means that the information on your website is relevant to each other and within your niche.

Create An Easy To Navigate Menu For Your Audience

User experience is the most effective measure of your website’s performance. To rate user experience, user impressions are studied. An important factor that can affect user experience is your website’s navigation. As a thumb rule, you should make sure that no page is more than three clicks away from the home page. The simpler you keep it for your users to navigate across your website, the better the experience you deliver to your users.

A balanced strategy to undertake On-page, as well as Off-page SEO, is pretty important. While your Off-page practices bring in higher results, ignoring On-page elements can reverse the effect and drop your website’s ranking.

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