Comparison between Industrial Robotic Arms and Human Arms

Robotics Automation

For long, human arms have been putting together items in the manufacturing industry. This includes making robots. These are meant to work like or more than human arms. They are intended to increase product output while spending less money and time. After all, that’s what technology is about-Produce more while spending less.

Robotic arms just like human arms have an elbow, shoulder, wrist and forearm. Therefore, they can easily move around, thanks to the joints. However, they move on a much faster speed hence working faster. This means they can be potentially dangerous if no safety measures are put in place. To avoid accidents, they are fitted with safety features.

Many manufacturing plants have embraced this technology due to its benefits. They include better and faster results, minimizing costs of production and eliminating human error. Also, it’s easy to operate and doesn’t require supervision. Sounds interesting? Tighten your seat belt.

Reduces Risk of Accidents

Unlike human arms that are subject to human error, an industrial robotic arm is not. People can easily cause things to fall over, bump into each other and trip on slippery grounds. All these will lead to injuries at work. On the other hand, robots are fitted with safety sensors and cameras to detect people. When they sense or see a human, they reduce on their speed and sometimes come to a halt. This reduces collision.

More Output

Isn’t this what advanced technology is about? It’s about easing work for humans yet producing more. Robots produce more precise and accurate results. This means the end product is same in quality and quantity. Your clients will get same quality products which is satisfactory. On the other hand, human arms are prone to error and negligence hence producing low quality products. This can cause your business to lose clients.

Easy to Operate

Robots are easy to operate unlike humans. The robotic arm requires the robotic controller to move motors which are attached to each joint. However, arms used to carry heavy payloads are controlled by pneumatic and hydraulic means. When all these parts are operational, that is all you need to realize your output for a day, month and year. Humans on the other hand, require supervision, training, learning process, orientation, etc. This can be costly in terms of money and time.

Solves the Labor Gap

With robots, you don’t have to worry about an employee missing work, being fired or resigning. A robot is equivalent to a royal employee that never misses work, works hard and will never abandon work. Though with humans, it’s hard to find such an employee.  People are always looking for greener pastures, more challenging work and a better pay. Humans are unreliable, today they are with you, tomorrow they have moved on. Therefore, in times of an absent employee, you produce less which is costly as you will lose clients.

They are Versatile

Robots can take on difficult and heavy tasks as well as very simple ones. For instance, they can be used to palletize heavy loads, lift heavy objects and weld vehicles. The same robotic arm can be used to put together a microchip and a tiny motherboard. Humans on the other hand specialize in one area. If it’s to do with heavy and complicated work, it will be only that. Then other people will work on very tiny tasks.

They Take on Less Pleasant Work

Robots will take on the less interesting and boring tasks. They are not humans to refuse some tasks given and take on those that they prefer. Therefore, the less exciting tasks people don’t want to take on, robots will effect well. The dirty, monotonous and repetitive work is given to robots as people take on tasks that require innovation and critical thinking. As a result, everyone at work is happy and will produce expected results.

Read also about the Uses of flexible robot arms

Final Say

Robotic arms have six axes and hence can move in six different directions. This means it has six degrees of freedom and hence can easily pick things within that range. Also, it moves faster compared to human arms hence increasing production. Another benefit is it can take on heavy loads of work and assembling of tiny motherboards and microchips.

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