Intel and Accenture earlier this week announced they are supporting an Intel Neuromorphic Research Community (INRC) project led by the…
For long, human arms have been putting together items in the manufacturing industry. This includes making robots. These are meant…
Cleaning the floor is continuously an irritating assignment and can be difficult and boring. These days, in this fast-paced society,…
Flexible robot arms are robotic equipment in high demand in many manufacturing entities that require automation with robots. Their high…
Understanding animal movements that underpin ecosystem processes is fundamental to ecology. Recent advances in animal tags have increased the ability…
Applications of aerial robots are progressively expanding into complex urban and natural environments. Despite remarkable advancements in the field, robotic…
Robots generally excel at specific tasks in structured environments but lack the versatility and the adaptability required to interact with…
Software engineer Tim Wilkinson has made the process of constructing robots easier with his 8BitRobots module — a standard hardware and software…
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