The Two Top most Trends Expected in Web Design 2019

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WEB Design

Staying updated on the latest web design trends is very crucial in terms of defining the success of a website. When it comes to website design, changes are happening now and then based on the popularity of various styles, algorithm updates by the search engines, and also the internet best practices.

A website which now looks cool and sleek itself may look cheesy after a few months. This is the reason why knowing the difference between the latest industry trends and that of a fad is critical while developing or updating your website. On thinking of it, one should ensure that the design you prepare must look great for many years to come and not just reminiscent of the message board of a decade back.

In light of the instant changes over the last couple of year, 2019 may also be focusing on enhancing the user experience. The trends of the coming year may be more focused on the speed, mobile friendliness, simplicity, asymmetrical layouts, and creative video backgrounds, etc.

The need for speed

The prospective time for you to make the first impression on a potential customer is getting lesser now. If you talk about interacting with the user online, you have hardly less than three seconds for it!

Humanity tends to be more impatient and flighty day by day. People don’t want to keep on waiting endlessly to get things done. In several research done, it is found that 50% of the users now expect the site to load in two seconds or lesser and they tend to abandon the page in the very next second if it isn’t on.

You can build a beautiful site, but it is a data-heavy lad who takes too much time to load, you may further lose loads of leads and revenue. Making it worse, Web design Nashville experts also point out that Google Speed Update now wants you to meet the fast loading prerequisites to get prioritized in the search engine ranking algorithms.

So, the days of big size images, bloated JavaScript, and uncompressed videos are over. Even though pictures and videos are growing in demand as the most relevant web page media, in 2019, you have to incorporate those in a way that it never tampers the loading time.

Flat web page design

Back in 2017, developers and designers started creating much simpler and cleaner websites for better performance on mobile screens. Starting from then, mobile searches have grown upward steadily, and mobile-first is a necessity when you think of web design now.

So, the approach of clean and minimalist flat web designs, which are quick loading and also trendy. Apart from a smooth user experience with quick loading and responsiveness to various screen resolutions, flat web page designs also hold a higher SEO value.

Flat design isn’t all about reducing the design to 2-dimensional, but its more about enhancing usability and minimalism. This is an aesthetic design approach which eradicates any clutter and also focusing more on the most important content of your web page. A mix of bright and light colors, crisp and clean edges, ample white space everything makes flat design a largely refreshing change from the distracting image-based designs of old times.

With these expectations in mind, upgrading your website design can surely have a dramatic effect on your performance and brand acceptance in the upcoming year.

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