

SD Times news digest: Altova Version 2019, European Commission approves Microsoft’s GitHub acquisition, and Linux 4.19

Altova has announced MissionKit Version 2019. The new release adds a newly redesigned UI that provides support for high-PPI monitors, support for data mapping of Protocol Buffers in MapForce, new standards support, and a new add-in for Excel called Altova Solvency II XBRL. “To support developers working on high-res displays, we have given XMLSpy and

SD Times news digest: Altova Version 2019, European Commission approves Microsoft’s GitHub acquisition, and Linux 4.19 Read Full Article »


IDG Contributor Network: Microsoft’s massive and important pivot to transparency

I’ve been following Microsoft almost since its inception largely because the firm recruited me early on, but I never even went to the interview, and viewed that potential career path as my biggest “road not traveled” alternative life scenario. But up through most of last decade, Microsoft was defined by a uniquely hostile employee environment

IDG Contributor Network: Microsoft’s massive and important pivot to transparency Read Full Article »

145899 laptops feature microsofts october surface event how to watch and what to expect image1 o5ltsykjvn

Microsoft’s October Surface event: All the announcements that matter

Microsoft’s “a moment of your time” event in New York City is now over. It announced several product updates and new hardware. From a new Surface Pro 6 to the roll out of Windows 10 October 2018 Update to PC devices, Microsoft had plenty to talk about during the show. In all, there were updates

Microsoft’s October Surface event: All the announcements that matter Read Full Article »

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