Author Posts

  • Why are Hackers Targeting Your WP Site and What You Can Do as a Fix?

    Why are Hackers Targeting Your WP Site and What You Can Do as a Fix?

    Over 90,000 security attacks take place by the minute, implying that no online WP Site is safe from hackers. If you ever become the victim, all of your data would be at stake… unless you take strong measures and can mitigate the attack through effective defensive strategies. Like any other website, even WordPress-hosted platforms are…

  • Best Practices for Remote Team Collaboration

    Best Practices for Remote Team Collaboration

    Having remote workers has become increasingly common for businesses in the past few years. What started as employees telecommuting every once in a while has now morphed into businesses with entirely remote teams. However, that doesn’t mean that business owners’ understanding of telecommuting has gotten better over time. The same could be said for many…

  • The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Cryptocurrency Investing

    The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Cryptocurrency Investing

    References are made wherever possible. All statements are based on the author’s experiences. I take pride in informing the public and helping as many as I can through sharing my experiences with my readers. That said, no one except you can take responsibility for your Cryptocurrency Investing decisions, so do think it through before investing.…

  • Why User Like WordPress For Website Development

    Why User Like WordPress For Website Development

    WordPress is a place where you can have all your contents posted and you can use it as your company blog page as well. However, did you know how useful this WordPress is for the development of your website? It helps your business site in so many ways, so if you build the same with…

  • Things To Consider When Making Video Content

    Things To Consider When Making Video Content

    Considering real estate content marketing plans, you may want to count video content on the top of your list. Videos go viral very quickly, and businesses are now starting to create content by creating and uploading videos on YouTube or other social media platforms. The best video sharing platforms are YouTube, Instagram, Snap chat, Facebook…

  • How To Find The Right Design Agency For Your Logo Design

    How To Find The Right Design Agency For Your Logo Design

    The importance of a logo is a lot more than people consider it to be. You cannot express the values of your brand better with words or text alone and that is where the role of a logo comes in. You ca encompass any message in the design of your logo. Branding and digital marketing…