Android 16 Beta 2 Released – New Features, Performance Upgrades & More

Android 16

Google has released the second beta of Android 16, introducing a range of features to enhance user experience and developer capabilities. This update brings advancements in media and camera functionalities, graphical effects, performance optimization, and privacy and security measures.

Media and Camera Enhancements

Android 16 Beta 2 introduces hybrid auto-exposure modes, allowing manual control over specific exposure aspects while the auto-exposure algorithm manages the rest. This provides greater flexibility compared to previous methods that required full manual control or reliance on auto-exposure. Additionally, the update offers precise color temperature and tint adjustments to support professional video recording applications better. Motion photo capture is simplified with new intent actions, and UltraHDR images now support HEIC encoding, aligning with the ISO 21496-1 draft standard.

Graphical Effects and Performance

The latest beta enhances graphical capabilities, including support for advanced effects such as bloom, blur, and stretch. These effects can be applied to Views and RenderNodes, enabling developers to create more visually appealing applications. Performance improvements have been made to the Android Runtime (ART), resulting in faster app startup times and reduced memory usage. The update also extends the performance framework, allowing apps to better adapt to varying device performance levels.

Privacy, Security, and Background Tasks

Android 16 Beta 2 continues to evolve features related to privacy and security. The update includes enhancements to background task management, ensuring that apps operate efficiently without compromising user experience. Developers are encouraged to test their applications against these changes to ensure compatibility and take advantage of the new features.

Developers and early adopters can enroll supported Pixel devices to receive this and future Android Beta updates over-the-air. Feedback is welcomed to help refine the platform further.


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